Parent Visas: Can I Bring Mum and Dad to Australia?

Distance can be hard on families, especially those with children. When individuals or couples relocate from other countries to Australia, they often leave loved ones behind. The process can be scary at first, and there may be a lot of doubt. Once settled, many find that they love their new home but miss their parents. There are four common parent visa options available, as long as you have the time and money to complete the process.

Non-Contributory Visas

The non-contributory visa consists of subclasses 103 and 804. This is the most affordable option. It typically costs around $6,000 for the main applicant and an additional $2,000 for a dependent spouse. Parents must have a sponsor to be eligible and meet health requirements. There is also a family balance test that must be passed. That means that at least half of the parents’ children must be permanent residents of Australia to quality.

The downside to this type of parent visa is the waiting period. A limited number are granted annually, so your family could wind up waiting for years. Some applicants wait as long as 30 years for approval.

Contributory Visas

Contributory visas consist of subclasses 143, 173, 864, and 884. Parents must meet similar eligibility requirements as those outlined for a noncontributory visa, have a sponsor, and have an assurance of support. This is a legal commitment the sponsor makes stating that they will financially support their parents while in Australia.

Applications are usually processed in less than two years. The downside is that this method is much more expensive. The total cost can come to nearly $50,000.

Working-Age Parent Visas

Parents that are still at working age can apply for subclass 173 or 884 visas. This gives them the ability to work in Australia for two years and includes access to Medicare. The cost ranges from $20,000 to $32,000 with an option to apply for a 143 permanent visa for an additional $20,000.

Visitor Visas

Another option is available for parents who do not qualify for any of the above. The visitor visa subclass 600 allows parents to visit for a period of up to 12 months. Once that period is up, they must return to their home country for a minimum of six months before applying for another visitor visa. This type of visa costs around $1,000 or less.

Future Options for Visiting Parents

Parents who do not pass the balance of family test may have another temporary visa option available in the near future. The Australian government announced plans to add another visa that permits a stay of up to 10 years at a cost of up to $20,000. The sponsor is required to pay for private health insurance and act as the applicant’s financial guarantor.

If you are trying to bring your parents into Australia or want to learn more about visa changes and additions, contact our team of registered migration agents at Emergico. Get started by completing the free online visa eligibility assessment at the top of this page.

Leanne Stevens

CEO, Emergico // Registered Migration Agent (#1171279)