How to Know That You Can Trust Your Migration Agent

Choosing a migration agent can be a daunting task. There are many services out there, but who is more likely to get you the best results when applying for a visa? And how do you know that you are working with a legitimate professional who can make good on their promises? The following list will help you decide who you can trust when choosing a migration agent.


  • MARA Registration

MARA, or the Office of Migration Agents Registration Authority, is a branch of the Australian government that is responsible for regulating and monitoring migration agents. They ensure that each agent possesses the necessary knowledge and skills to do the job. A qualified professional will be registered with MARA.

  • Proven Experience

Your migration agent should have a proven record of working with other clients. Reviews and word of mouth are a great resource in this instance. Make sure that the agent you are speaking to didn’t just appear overnight and has successfully worked with other people.

  • A Clear Fee Structure

There should be no surprises when it comes to costs. Your migration agent should have a clear fee structure. You should be aware of costs going into the process. They should also allow you to handle your money. You can pay your own application fees. If an agent insists on being the only one to handle your money, then consider that a big red flag.

  • Doesn’t Make Promises

There are many factors involved when applying for a visa. You may have to meet a number of requirements, there may be limitations on the number of approvals, and laws may change that could affect you. Your migration agent should not make promises about approval or other unknown factors. Someone who is making promises that sound too good to be true is most likely not an honest agent.

  • Doesn’t Push You into Migrating

Your migration agent should work with you and respect your needs. They should never make you feel pressured to migrate or do anything else. If your agent tries to force you into moving forward with warnings about missing your “only chance” to travel to Australia, then it’s time to find someone else.

Hire a Migration Agent That Works for You

Emergico’s agents are registered and offer a wealth of knowledge and experience related to migrating, travel, and education. We have a proven track record and are happy to assist you so that you can achieve your dreams without pressure. Our clients come first, which is why we treat each person who contacts us as an individual. To learn more, give us a call or visit our website to complete a free online eligibility assessment.

Leanne Stevens

CEO, Emergico // Registered Migration Agent (#1171279)